Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stuff \'st*f\ n [ME, fr. MF estoffe, fr. OF, fr. estoffer to equip, 
   stock] 1: materials, supplies, or equipment used in various activities : as 
    obs  1a: military baggage  1b: bullets or shells fired from a gun : 
   manufactured, wrought, or used in construction  3: a finished textile 
   suitable for clothing; esp : wool or worsted  material 4a: literary or 
   artistic production  4b: writing, discourse, or ideas of little value : 
   RUBBISH  5a: an aggregate of matter {volcanic rock is curious ~}  5b: 
   matter of a particular kind often unspecified {sold tons of the ~)R}; esp : 
   something (as a drug or food) consumed by man 6a: fundamental material : 
   SUBSTANCE {~ of greatness ~R of manhood} 6b: subject matter  7a: actions or 
   talk in specific circumstances  7b: special knowledge or capability  8a: 
   spin imparted to a thrown or hit ball to make it curve or change course  
   8b: speed and esp. variety of pitches or curves of a baseball pitcher 
2. stuff vt 1a: to fill by packing things in : CRAM  1b: to fill (as one's 
   stomach) to fullness : SURFEIT  1c: to prepare (meat or vegetables) by 
   filling or lining with a seasoned m ixture 1d: to fill (as a cushion) with 
   a soft material or padding  1e: to fill out the skin of (an animal) for 
   mounting  1f: to fill (a hole) by packing in material : stop up : PLUG  2: 
   to fill with ideas or information  3: to choke up or block (the nasal 
   passages)  4a: to insert snugly or tightly : TUCK  4b: to cause to enter or 
   fill : THRUST, PRESS  5: to impregnate (leather) for softening and 
   preserving  6: to fill (a ballot box) with fraudulent votes  : to eat 
   gluttonously : GORGE  - stuff.er n