Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fate                  
1. lot \'la:t\ n [ME, fr. OE hlot; akin to OHG hlo-z lot, Lith kliudyti 
   to]hook on 1: an object used as a counter in determining a question by 
   chance  2a: the use of lots as a means of deciding something  2b: the 
   resulting choice  3a: something that comes to one upon whom a lot has 
   fallen : SHARE  3b: one's way of life or worldly fate : FORTUNE  obs  4: a 
   customs fee : DUTY  5a: a portion of land  5b: a measured parcel of land 
   having fixed boundaries and designated on a p lot or survey 5c: a 
   motion-picture studio and its adjoining property  6: a number of units of 
   an article or a parcel of articles offered as one i tem (as in an auction 
   sale) 7a: a number of associated persons : SET  7b: KIND, SORT  8: a 
   considerable quantity 
2. lot vb or lot.ted;  or lot.ting : to cast or draw lots  1: to form or 
   divide into lots  2: ALLOT, APPORTION  obs  3: to draw lots for Lot \'la:t\ 
   n [Heb Lo-t] : a nephew of Abraham whose wife is turned into a pillar of 
   salt for looki ng back during their flight from Sodom