Webster's English Dictionary

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1. twang \'twan\ \'twan-e-\ n [imit.] 1: a harsh quick ringing sound like 
   that of a plucked bowstring  2a: nasal speech or resonance  2b: the 
   characteristic speech of a region, locality, or group of people  3a: an act 
   of plucking  3b: PANG, TWINGE  - twangy aj
2. twang \'twan-in\ vi or twang.ing 1: to sound with a twang {the bowstring 
   ~ed}  2: to speak or sound with a nasal intonation  3: to throb or twitch 
   with pain or tension  1: to cause to sound with a twang  2: to utter or 
   pronounce with a nasal twang  3: to pluck the string of {~ed his bow} 
3. twang n [alter. of tang] 1: a persisting flavor, taste, or odor : TANG