Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. taste                 
1. tang \'tan\ \'tand\ n [ME, of Scand origin; akin to ON tangi point of 
   land, tang] 1: a projecting shank, prong, fang, or tongue (as on a knife, 
   file, or swor d) to connect with the handle 2a: a sharp distinctive often 
   lingering flavor  2b: a pungent odor  3a: a faint suggestion : TRACE  3b: a 
   distinguishing characteristic that sets apart or gives a special indi 
   viduality - tanged aj
2. tang vt 1: to furnish with a tang  2: to affect with or as if with a 
3. tang n [of Scand origin; akin to Dan & Norw tang seaweed] : any of 
   various large coarse seaweeds (esp. genus Fucus) 
4. tang vb [imit.] : CLANG, RING 
5. tang n : a sharp twanging sound Tang \'ta:n\ n [Chin (Pek) t'ang2] : a 
   Chinese dynasty dated A.D. 8-907 and marked by wide contacts wit h other 
   cultures and by the development of printing and the flourishing of poetry 
   and art