Webster's English Dictionary

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1. va.grant \'va--gr*nt\ n [ME vagraunt, prob. modif. of MF waucrant, 
   wacrant wandering,] fr. OF, fr. prp. of waucrer, wacrer to roll, wander, of 
   Gmc origin; akin to OE wealcan to roll - more at WALK 1a: one who has no 
   established residence and wanders idly from place to pla ce without lawful 
   or visible means of support 1b: one (as a common prostitute or drunkard) 
   whose conduct constitutes stat utory vagrancy 2: WANDERER, ROVER 
2. vagrant aj 1: wandering about from place to place usu. with no means of 
   support  2a: having a fleeting, wayward, or inconstant quality  2b: having 
   no fixed course : RANDOM  - va.grant.ly av