Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dialect               
1. ver.nac.u.lar \v*(r)-'nak-y*-l*r\ aj [L vernaculus native, fr. verna 
   slave born in his master's house, n]ative 1a: using a language or dialect 
   native to a region or country rather than  a literary, cultured, or foreign 
   language 1b: of, relating to, or being a nonstandard or substandard 
   language or dia lect of a place region, or country 1c: of, relating to, or 
   being the normal spoken form of a language  2: applied to a plant or animal 
   in the common native speech as distinguish ed from the Latin nomenclature 
   of scientific classification - ver.nac.u.lar.ly av
2. vernacular n 1: a vernacular language  2: the mode of expresion of a 
   group or class  3: a vernacular name of a plant or animal