Webster's English Dictionary

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1. screw \'skru:\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. MF escroe female screw, nut, fr. ML 
   scrofa, fr. L, sow] 1a: a mechanical device consisting in its simplest form 
   of a continuous hel ical rib with the cylindrical or conical shank from 
   which it projects 1b: the corresponding part into which an external screw 
   advances and fits w hen turned 2a: a screwlike form : SPIRAL  2b: a turn of 
   a screw; also : a twist like the turn of a screw  2c: a screwlike device 
   (as a corkscrew)  3: a worn-out horse  chiefly Brit  4: a small packet (as 
   of tobacco or pepper)  5: a sharp bargainer : SKINFLINT  6: a prison guard 
   : TURNKEY  7: SCREW PROPELLER  8: THUMBSCREW  - screw.like aj
2. screw vt 1a1: to attach, fasten, or close by means of a screw  1a2: to 
   unite or separate by means of a screw or a twisting motion {~  the two 
   pieces together} 1a3: to press tightly in a device (as a vise) operated by 
   a screw  1a4: to operate, tighten, or adjust by means of a screw  1a5: to 
   torture by means of a thumbscrew  1b: to cause to rotate spirally about an 
   axis  2a1: to twist into strained configurations : CONTORT  2a2: SQUINT  
   2a3: CRUMPLE  2b: to furnish with a spiral groove or ridge : THREAD  3: to 
   increase the intensity, quantity, or capability of  4a: to practice 
   extortion upon : OPPRESS  4b: to extract by pressure or threat  1: to 
   rotate like or as a screw  2: to turn or move with a twisting or writhing 
   motion  - screw.er n