1. weld \'weld\ n [ME welde; akin to MLG wolde weld] : a European
mignonette (Reseda luteola) yielding a yellow dye; a lso : a yellow dye
from this
2. weld \'wel-d*-b*l\ vb [alter. of obs. E well to weld, fr. ME wellen to
boil, well, weld] : to become or be capable of being welded 1a: to unite
(metallic parts) by heating and allowing the metals to flow t ogether or by
hammering or compressing with or without previous heating 1b: to unite
(plastics) in a similar manner by heating 1c: to repair (as an article) by
this method 1d: to produce or create as if by such a process 2: to unite
closely or intimately - weld.able aj
3. weld n 1: a welded joint 2: union by welding : the state or condition
of being welded