Webster's English Dictionary

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1. whis.per \'hwis-p*r, 'wis-\ \-p(*-)rin\ vb or whis.per.ing [ME 
   whisperen, fr. OE hwisperian; akin to OHG hwispalo-n t]o whisper, ON 
   hvi-sla - more at WHISTLE 1: to speak softly with little or no vibration of 
   the vocal cords esp. wit h the aim of preserving secrecy 2: to make a 
   sibilant sound that resembles whispering  1: to address in a whisper  2: to 
   utter or communicate in or as if in a whisper 
2. whisper n 1a: an act or instance of whispering; specif : speech without 
   vibra tion of the vocal cords 1b: a sibilant sound that resembles whispered 
   speech  2: something communicated by or as if by whispering