Webster's English Dictionary

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1. win.ter \'wint-*r\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG wintar winter] 1: the 
   season between autumn and spring comprising in the northern hemisphe re 
   usu. the months December, January, and February or as reckoned 
   astronomically extending from the December solstice to the March equinox 2: 
   the colder half of the year  3: YEAR  4: a period of inactivity or decay 
2. winter \'wint-*-rin, 'win-trin\ vb or win.ter.ing 1: to pass the winter  
   2: to feed or find food during the winter - used with on  : to keep, feed, 
   or manage during the winter 
3. winter aj : sown in autumn for harvesting in the following spring or 
   summer {~  wheat ~ rye}