1. wob.ble \'wa:b-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ \-(*-)le-\ vb or wob.bling
[prob. fr. LG wabbeln; akin to OE w-fre restless - mo]re at WAVER 1a:
to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or u
nsteadily and clumsily from side to side 1b: TREMBLE, QUAVER 2: WAVER,
VACILLATE : to cause to wobble - wob.bler n
2. wobble n 1a: a hobbling or rocking unequal motion (as of a wheel
unevenly hung) 1b: an uncertainly directed movement : FLUCTUATION 2: an
intermittent variation (as in volume of sound) {a vocal ~}