Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. let                   
al.low \*-'lau.\ vb [ME allowen, fr. MF alouer to place (fr. ML allocare) & 
   al]louer to approve, fr. L adlaudare to extol, fr. ad- + laudare to praise 
   - more at ALLOCATE, LAUD 1a: to assign as a share (as of time or money)  
   1b: to reckon as a deduction or an addition {~ a gallon for leakag e} 2: 
   ADMIT, CONCEDE  3a: PERMIT {gaps ~ passage}  3b: to neglect to restrain or 
   prevent {~ the meat to burn}  dial  4a: to be of the opinion : THINK  4b: 
   INTEND, PLAN  1: to make a possibility : ADMIT - used with of  2: to make 
   allowance - used with for  dial  3: SUPPOSE, CONSIDER