as.size \*-'si-z\ n [ME assise, fr. OF, session, settlement, fr. asseoir to
seat, fr. (]assumed) VL assede-re, fr. L asside-re to sit beside, assist in
the office of a judge, fr. ad- + sede-re to sit - more at SIT 1: an
enactment made by a legislative assembly : ORDINANCE 2a: a statute
regulating weights and measures of articles sold in the market 2b: the
regulation of the price of bread or ale by the price of grain 3: a fixed
or customary standard 4a: a judicial inquest 4b: an action to be decided
by such an inquest, the writ for instituting it, or the verdict or finding
rendered by the jury 5a: the periodical sessions of the superior courts in
English counties for trial of civil and criminal cases - usu. used in pl.
5b: the time or place of holding such a court, the court itself, or a session
of it - usu. used in pl.