Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. expand                
1. swell \'swel\ \'swo--l*n, esp before vowels or in poetry 'swo-ln\ vb or 
   swelled;  or swelled;  or swol.len or swell.ing [ME swellen, fr. OE 
   swellan; akin to OHG swellan to swell] 1a: to expand abnormally; specif : 
   to puff up by internal pressure  or growth 1b: to increase in size, number, 
   or intensity  1c: to form a bulge or rounded elevation  2a: to become 
   filled with pride and arrogance  2b: to behave or speak in a pompous, 
   blustering, or self-important manner  2c: to play the swell  3: to become 
   distended with emotion  1: to affect with a powerful or expansive emotion  
   2: to increase the size, number, or intensity of 
2. swell n 1a: the condition of being protuberant  1b: a rounded elevation  
   2: a long often massive crestless wave or succession of waves continuing be 
   yond or after its cause (as a gale) 3a: the act or process of swelling  
   3b1: a gradual increase and decrease of the loudness of a musical sound; 
   Xalso : a sign <> indicating a swell 3b2: a device used in an organ for 
   governing loudness  archaic  4a: an impressive, pompous, or fashionable air 
   or display  4b: a person dressed in the height of fashion  4c: a person of 
   high social position or outstanding competence 
3. swell aj 1a: STYLISH  1b: socially prominent  2: EXCELLENT - used as a 
   generalized term of enthusiasm