Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bulk \'b*lk\ n [ME, heap, bulk, fr. OH bulki cargo] 1a: MAGNITUDE, 
   VOLUME  1b: bulky material felt to promote intestinal motility  2a: BODY; 
   esp : a large or corpulent human body  2b: a large mass  3: the main or 
   greater part  body or unit with reference to size or amount. BULK implies 
   an aggregate that is impressively large, heavy, or numerous; MASS suggests 
   an aggregate made by piling together things of the same kind; VOLUME 
   applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or 
   fluctuating : not divided into parts or packaged in separate units  - in 
   bulk  SYN syn BULK, MASS, VOLUME mean the aggregate that forms a 
2. bulk vt 1: to cause to swell or bulge : STUFF  2: to gather into a mass 
   or aggregate  3: to have a bulk of  1: SWELL, EXPAND  2a: to have a bulky 
   appearance : LOOM  2b: to be weighty or impressive  3: to form into a 
   cohesive mass