Webster's English Dictionary

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1. boast \'bo-st\ \'bo-st-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ n [ME boost] 1: the act of 
   boasting : BRAG  2: a cause for pride  - boast.ful aj
2. boast vi 1: to vaunt oneself : BRAG  archaic  2: GLORY, EXULT  1: to 
   speak of or assert with excessive pride  2: to possess or display proudly 
   sion to one's pride in oneself or one's accomplishment. BOAST implies 
   ostentatiousness and usu. exaggeration; BRAG suggests a crude and artless 
   glorifying of oneself; VAUNT is more literary than the others and usu. 
   connotes more pomp and bombast than BOAST and less crudity than BRAG; CROW 
   implies an exulting esp. over a defeated opponent - boast.er n SYN syn 
   BOAST, BRAG, VAUNT, CROW mean to give expres 
3. boast vt [origin unknown] : to shape (stone) roughly with a broad chisel 
   in sculpture and stonecutt ing as a preliminary to finer work