1. clot \'kla:t\ n [ME, fr. OE clott; akin to MHG klo-z lump, ball - more
at C]LOUT 1: a portion of a substance cleaving together in a thick
nondescript mass ( as of clay or gum) 2a: a roundish viscous lump formed by
coagulation of a portion of liquid or by melting 2b: the coagulum produced
by clotting of blood 3: CLUSTER
2. clot vb or clot.ted; or clot.ting 1: to become a clot : form clots 2:
to undergo a sequence of complex chemical and physical reactions that r
esults in conversion of fluid blood into a coagulum : COAGULATE 1: to cause
to clot 2: to fill with clots