Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lump \'l*mp\ n [ME] 1: a piece or mass of indefinite size and shape  2a: 
   AGGREGATE, TOTALITY {taken in the ~}  2b: MAJORITY  3: PROTUBERANCE; esp : 
   an abnormal swelling  4: a thickset heavy person; specif : one who is 
   stupid or dull  pl  5a: BEATINGS {on the back waterways the single small 
   craft takes it s ~s -A.W. Baum} 5b: COMEUPPANCE 
2. lump vt 1: to group without discrimination  2: to make into lumps; also 
   : to make lumps on or in  3: to move noisily and clumsily  1: to become 
   formed into lumps  2: to move oneself noisily and clumsily 
3. lump vt [origin unknown] : to put up with {like it or ~ it}