Webster's English Dictionary

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col.lege \'ka:l-ij\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L collegium society, fr. collega 
   colleague - mor]e at COLLEAGUE 1: a body of clergy living together on a 
   foundation  2: a building used for an educational or religious purpose  3a: 
   a self-governing constituent body of a university  3b: a preparatory or 
   high school  3c: an independent institution of higher learning offering a 
   course of gene ral studies leading to a bachelor's degree 3d: a part of a 
   university offering a specialized group of courses  3e: an institution 
   offering instruction usu. in a professional, vocational,  or technical 
   field {teachers ~} {barber ~} 4: COMPANY, GROUP; specif : an organized body 
   of person s engaged in a common pursuit or having common interests or 
   duties 5: the faculty, students, or administration of a college