Webster's English Dictionary

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1. vote \'vo-t\ n [ME (Sc), fr. L votum vow, wish - more at VOW] 1a: a usu. 
   formal expression of opinion or will in response to a proposed d ecision; 
   esp : one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, 
   motion, or candidate for office 1b: the total number of such expressions of 
   opinion made known at a single  time (as at an election) 1c: an expression 
   of opinion or preference held to resemble a vote  1d: BALLOT  2: the 
   collective opinion or verdict of a body of persons expressed by voti ng 3: 
   the right to cast a vote; specif : the right of suffrage :  FRANCHISE 4a: 
   the act or process of voting  4b: a method of voting  5: a formal 
   expression of a wish, will, or choice voted by a meeting  6a: VOTER  6b: a 
   group of voters with some common and identifying characteristics  chiefly 
   Brit  7a: a proposition to be voted upon; esp : a legislative money item  
   7b: APPROPRIATION  often cap  8: a daily record of proceedings in the House 
   of Commons 
2. vote vi 1: to express one's views in response to a poll; esp : to 
   exercise  a political franchise 2: to express an opinion  1: to choose, 
   endorse, decide the disposition of, defeat, or authorize by  vote 2a: to 
   adjudge by general agreement : DECLARE  2b: to offer as a suggestion : 
   PROPOSE  3a: to cause to vote in a given way  3b: to cause to be cast for 
   or against a proposal