Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hook \'hu.k\ n [ME, fr. OE ho-c; akin to MD hoec fishhook, corner, Lith 
   keng]e. hook 1: a curved or bent implement for catching, holding, or 
   pulling  2: something curved or bent like a hook  3: a flight of a ball 
   that deviates from a straight course in a direction o pposite to the 
   dominant hand of the player propelling it 4: a short blow delivered with a 
   circular motion by a boxer while the elbow  remains bent and rigid : by any 
   means  : out of trouble  : by oneself : INDEPENDENTLY  - by hook or by 
2. hook vt 1: to form into a hook : CROOK  2: to seize, make fast or 
   connect by or as if by a hook  3: STEAL, PILFER  4: to strike or pierce as 
   if with a hook  5: to make (as a rug) with a hook  1: to form a hook : 
   CURVE  2: to become hooked