Webster's English Dictionary

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1. curl \'k*r(-*)l\ vb [ME curlen, fr. crul curly, prob. fr. MD; akin to 
   OHG krol cu]rly, OE cradol cradle 1: to form into coils or ringlets  2: to 
   form into a curved shape : TWIST  3: to furnish with curls  1a: to grow in 
   coils or spirals  1b: to form ripples or crinkles  2: to move or progress 
   in curves or spirals  3: TWIST, CONTORT  4: to play the game of curling 
2. curl n 1: a lock of hair that coils : RINGLET  2: something having a 
   spiral or winding form : COIL  3: the action of curling : the state of 
   being curled  4: an abnormal rolling or curling of leaves  5: a curved or 
   spiral marking in the grain of wood  6: TENDRIL