1. spi.ral \'spi--r*l\ \-r*-le-\ aj [ML spiralis, fr. L spira coil] 1a:
winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approac hing
it {~ curve} 1b: HELICAL 2: advancing to higher levels through a series of
cyclical movements - spi.ral.ly av
2. spiral n 1a: the path of a point in a plane moving around an axis while
continuously receding from or approaching it 1b: a three-dimensional curve
(as a helix) with one or more turns about an axis 2: a single turn or coil
in a spiral object 3a: something having a spiral form 3b1: a spiral
flight 3b2: a kick or pass in which a football rotates on its long axis
while movi ng through the air 4: a continuously spreading and accelerating
increase or decrease {wage (R@}
3. spiral vb or spi.raled or spi.ralled; or spi.ral.ing; or spi.ral.ling
: to move in a spiral course 1: to form into a spiral 2: to cause to