Webster's English Dictionary

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tact \'takt\ n [F, sense of touch, fr. L tactus, fr. tactus, pp. of 
   tangere]to touch - more at TANGENT 1: sensitive mental or aesthetic 
   perception  2: a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good 
   relations wi th others or avoid offenseelicate and sympathetic perception 
   of what is fit or considerate in dealing with others; ADDRESS implies 
   dexterity and grace in coping with new or difficult social situations or 
   with strangers; POISE stresses self-possession in meeting embarrassing or 
   upsetting situations; SAVOIR FAIRE implies knowledge of the proper thing to 
   say or do under all circumstances SYN syn ADDRESS, POISE, SAVOIR FAIRE: 
   TACT implies d