Webster's English Dictionary

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di.a.lec.tic \.di--*-'lek-tik\ n [ME dialetik, fr. MF dialetique, fr. L 
   dialectica, fr. Gk ]dialektike-, fr. fem. of dialektikos of conversation, 
   fr. dialektos 1: discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of 
   intellectual investi gation 2a: the Hegelian process of change in which an 
   entity passes over into and  is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite; 
   also : the critical investigation of this process usu pl but sing or pl in 
   constr  2b1: development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, and 
   synthesis in  accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism 2b2: the 
   investigation of this process; also : the theoretical appl ication of this 
   process esp. in the social sciences usu pl but sing or pl in constr  3a: 
   any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument esp. in literature th at 
   juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usu. seeks to resolve their 
   conflict 3b: play of ideas  4: the dialectical tension or opposition 
   between two interacting forces or  elements