Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. deplete                2. tire                  
1. ex.haust \ig-'zo.st\ \-.zo.-st*-'bil-*t-e-\ \-'zo.-st*-b*l\ vb [L 
   exhaustus, pp. of exhaurire, fr. ex- + haurire to dr]aw; akin to MHG oesen 
   to empty, Gk auein to take 1a: to draw off or let out completely  1b: to 
   empty by drawing off; specif : to create a vacuum in  2a: to use up the 
   whole supply of  2b: to deprive wholly of strength, patience, or resources  
   2c: to destroy the fertility of (soil)  3a: to develop (a subject) 
   completely  3b: to try out the whole number of  4a: to deprive of removable 
   ingredients  4b: to use up the strength of  : DISCHARGE, EMPTY  - 
   ex.haust.er n
2. exhaust n 1a: the escape of used working substance from an engine 
   cylinder  1b: the gas thus escaping  2a: the conduit through which used 
   gases escape  2b: an arrangement for withdrawing fumes, dusts, or odors 
   from an enclosure