Webster's English Dictionary

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de.plete \di-'ple-t\ \-'ple-t-iv\ vt [L depletus, pp. of deple-re, fr. de- 
   + ple-re to] fill 1: to empty of a principal substance  2: to lessen 
   markedly in quantity, content, power, or value RUPT mean to deprive of 
   something essential to existence or potency. DEPLETE implies a reduction in 
   number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function; DRAIN implies 
   a gradual withdrawal and ultimate deprivation of what is necessary to a 
   thing's existence; EXHAUST stresses a complete but not necessarily final 
   emptying rather than implying, as DEPLETE does, a disastrous loss; 
   IMPOVERISH suggests a deprivation of something essential to vigorous 
   well-being; BANKRUPT suggests impoverishment to the point of imminent 
   collapse - de.ple.tive aj SYN syn DEPLETE, DRAIN, EXHAUST, IMPOVERISH, BANK