Cross references:
1. delusion \il-'u:-zh*n\ \-'u:zh-n*l, -*n-*l\ \il-'u:-zh*-.ner-e-\ n [ME,
fr. MF, fr. LL illusion-, illusio, fr. L, action of mocking, f]r. illusus,
pp. of illudere to mock at, fr. in- + ludere to play, mock - more at
LUDICROUS obs 1a: the action of deceiving 1b1: the state or fact of being
intellectually deceived or misled : MI SAPPREHENSION 1b2: an instance of
such deception 2a1: a misleading image presented to the vision 2a2:
something that deceives or misleads intellectually 2b1: perception of
something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation
of its actual nature 2b2: HALLUCINATION 2b3: a pattern capable of
reversible perspective 3: a fine plain transparent bobbinet or tulle usu.
made of silk and used fo r veils, trimmings, and dresses - aj