Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. neglect               
for.get \f*r-'get, fo.r-\ \-'ga:t\ \-'ga:t-*n\ vb or for.got;  or 
   for.got.ten;  or forgot or for.get.ting [ME forgeten, fr. OE forgietan, fr. 
   for- + -gietan (aki]n to ON geta to get) 1a: to lose the remembrance of  
   obs  1b: to cease from doing  2: to treat with inattention or disregard : 
   NEGLECT {forgotX his old friends} 3: to put out of mind {~ it}  1: to cease 
   remembering or noticing  2: to fail to become mindful at the proper time {~ 
   about paying th e bill} : to lose one's dignity, temper, or self-control  - 
   for.get.ter n