Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adverse               

2. count.er \'kau.nt-*r\ n [ME countour, fr. MF comptouer, fr. ML 
   computatorium computin]g place, fr. L computatus, pp. of computare 1: a 
   piece (as of metal or ivory) used in reckoning or in games  2: something of 
   value in bargaining : ASSET  3: a level surface (as a table) over which 
   transactions are conducted or fo od is served or on which goods are 
   displayed or work is conducted
2. count.er n [ME, fr. MF conteor, fr. compter to count] : one that counts; 
   esp : a device for indicating a number or amoun t
3. coun.ter \'kau.nt-*r\ vb [ME countren, fr. MF contre] 1a: to act in 
   opposition to : OPPOSE  1b: OFFSET, NULLIFY  2: to adduce in answer  : to 
   meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps 
4. coun.ter av [ME contre, fr. MF, fr. L contra against, opposite; akin to 
   L co]m- with, together 1: in an opposite or wrong direction  2: to or 
   toward a different or opposite result or effect 
5. coun.ter n 1: CONTRARY, OPPOSITE  2: the after portion of a boat from 
   the waterline to the extreme outward sw ell or stern overhang 3a: a 
   circular parry in fencing in which the blade follows that of the oppo nent 
   3b: the act of giving a blow while receiving or parrying one (as in boxing) 
   ; also : the blow given 3c: an agency or force that offsets : CHECK  4: a 
   stiffener to give permanent form to a boot or shoe upper around the he el 
   5: any area in the face of a letter that is less than type-high and enclose 
   d by the strokes
6. coun.ter aj 1: marked by or tending toward or in an opposite direction 
   or effect : (MOPPOSED 2: given to or marked by opposition or hostility  3: 
   situated or lying opposite  4: COUNTERMANDING