Webster's English Dictionary

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de.scend \di-'send\ \-'sen-d*-b*l\ vb [ME descenden, fr. OF descendre, fr. 
   L descendere, fr. de-] + scandere to climb - more at SCAN 1: to pass from a 
   higher place or level to a lower one {~ed  from the platform} 2: to pass in 
   discussion from what is logically prior or more comprehensiv e 3a: to come 
   down from a stock or source : DERIVE {~edX from an ancient family} 3b: to 
   pass by inheritance {an heirloom that has ~ed in the  family} 3c: to pass 
   by transmission {songs ~ed from early ballads}  4: to incline, lead, or 
   extend downward {the road ~s to the  river} 5: to swoop or pounce down or 
   make a sudden attack {the plague ~Xed upon them} 6: to proceed in a 
   sequence or gradation from higher to lower or from more  remote to nearer 
   or more recent 7a: to sink in status or dignity : STOOP  7b: to worsen and 
   sink in condition or estimation  1: to pass, move, or climb down or down 
   along  2: to extend down along  - de.scend.ible aj