Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lob.by \'la:b-e-\ n [ML lobium gallery, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG louba 
   porch] 1: a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of 
   rooms and u sed as a passageway or waiting room : as 1a: an anteroom of a 
   legislative chamber; esp : one of two anteroom s of a British parliamentary 
   chamber to which members go to vote during a division 1b: a large hall 
   serving as a foyer (as of a hotel or theater)  2: a group of persons 
   engaged in lobbying esp. as representatives of a part icular interest group
2. lobby \-e--.iz-*m\ \-e--*st\ vi : to conduct activities aimed at 
   influencing public officials and esp. me mbers of a legislative body on 
   legislation and other policy decisions to promote (as a project) or secure 
   the passage of (as legislation) by influencing public officials - lob.by.er 