Webster's English Dictionary

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1. har.vest \'ha:r-v*st\ n [ME hervest, fr. OE hrfest; akin to L 
   carpere to plu] often attrib ck, gather, Gk karpos fruit, keirein to cut - 
   more at SHEAR 1: the season for gathering in agricultural crops  2: the act 
   or process of gathering in a crop  3a: a mature crop of grain or fruit : 
   YIELD  3b: the quantity of a natural product gathered in a single season  
   4: the product or reward of exertion 
2. harvest \-v*-st*-b*l\ vt 1a: to gather in (a crop) : REAP  1b: to gather 
   as if by harvesting  2: to win by achievement  : to gather in a food crop  
   - har.vest.able aj