Webster's English Dictionary

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in.clude \in-'klu:d\ vt [ME includen, fr. L includere, fr. in- + claudere 
   to cl]ose - more at CLOSE 1: to shut up : ENCLOSE  2: to take in or 
   comprise as a part of a larger aggregate or principle PLY mean to contain 
   within as part of the whole. INCLUDE suggests the containment of something 
   as a constituent, component, or subordinate part of a larger whole; 
   COMPREHEND implies that something comes within the range or scope of a 
   statement or definition whether clearly mentioned or not; EMBRACE implies a 
   gathering of separate items within a whole; INVOLVE suggests a rolling up 
   or entangling in a whole as by being its consequence or a necessary element 
   of its definition; IMPLY suggests that something can be inferred through a 
   hint, or as a necessary cause or effect, or as something commonly 
   associated in experience SYN syn INCLUDE, COMPREHEND, EMBRACE, INVOLVE, IM