Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ascribe               
re.fer \ri-'f*r\ \'ref-(*-)r*-b*l, ri-'f*r-*-b*l\ \ri-'f*r-*r\ vb or 
   re.ferred;  or re.fer.ring [ME referren, fr. L referre to bring back, 
   report, refer, fr. re]- + ferre to carry - more at BEAR 1a1: to think of, 
   regard, or classify within a general category or group  1a2: to explain in 
   terms of a general cause  1b: to allot to a particular place, stage, or 
   period  1c: to regard as coming from or located in a specific area  2a: to 
   send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision  2b: to direct 
   for testimony or guaranty as to character or ability  1a: to have relation 
   or connection : RELATE  1b: to direct attention : make reference  2: to 
   have recourse ing. REFER usu. implies intentional introduction and distinct 
   mention as by direct naming; ALLUDE suggests indirect mention (as by a 
   hint, roundabout expression, or figure of speech) - re.fer.able aj SYN syn 
   REFER, ALLUDE mean to call or direct attention to someth