Webster's English Dictionary

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in.vent \in-'vent\ \-'vent-*r\ vt [ME inventen, fr. L inventus, pp. of 
   invenire to come upon, f]ind, fr. in- + venire to come - more at COME 
   archaic  1: FIND, DISCOVER  2: to think up or imagine : FABRICATE  3: to 
   create or produce for the first time : DEVISE ew into existence. INVENT 
   implies fabricating something useful usu. as a result of ingenious thinking 
   or experiment; CREATE implies an evoking of life out of nothing or 
   producing a thing for the sake of its existence rather than its function or 
   use; DISCOVER presupposes preexistence of something and implies a finding 
   rather than a making - in.ven.tor n SYN syn INVENT, CREATE, DISCOVER mean 
   to bring something n