Webster's English Dictionary

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mal.ice \'mal-*s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L malitia, fr. malus bad - more at 
   SMALL] : ILL WILL; specif : intent to commit an unlawful act or cau se harm 
   without legal justification or excuseSPLEEN, GRUDGE: MALICE may imply a 
   deep-seated and often unreasonable dislike and a desire to see one suffer 
   or it may suggest a causeless passing mischievous impulse; MALEVOLENCE 
   implies a deep and lasting hatred; ILL WILL may suggest a briefer feeling 
   of anitpathy and resentment often with cause; SPITE implies active 
   malevolemce together with envy or meanness of spirit; MALIGNITY stresses 
   the intensity and driving force of malevolence; SPLEEN implies ill will 
   together with hot temper; GRUDGE implies a cherished feeling of resentment 
   or ill will that seeks satisfaction SYN syn MALEVOLENCE, ILL WILL, SPITE,