Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. metric system         
1. me.ter or me.tre \'me-t-*r\ n [ME, fr. OE & MF; OE me-ter, fr. L metrum, 
   fr. Gk metron m] chiefly Brit easure, meter; MF metre, fr. OF, fr. L metrum 
   - more at MEASURE 1a: systematically arranged and measured rhythm in verse 
   :  1a1: rhythm that continuously repeats a single basic pattern {iambic ~ } 
   1a2: rhythm characterized by regular recurrence in larger figures {ballad  
   ~} 1b: a measure or unit of metrical verse - usu. used in combination and 
   pr onounced /m-*t-ir/ {pentameter}; compare FOOT 1c: a fixed metrical 
   pattern : verse form  2: the basic recurrent rhythmical pattern of note 
   values, accents, and beat s per measure in music
2. met.er \'me-t-*r\ n [ME, fr. meten to mete] : one that measures; esp : 
   an official measurer of commodities 
3. me.ter or me.tre \'me-t-*r\ n [F me'tre, fr. Gk metron measure] chiefly 
   Brit  : the basic metric unit of length 
4. me.ter n [-meter] 1: an instrument for measuring and sometimes recording 
   the amount of someth ing 2: a philatelic cover bearing an impression of a 
   postage meter 
5. me.ter vt 1: to measure by means of a meter  2: to supply in a measured 
   or regulated amount  3: to print postal indicia on by means of a postage 