Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. volume                
1. cone \'ko-n\ n [MF or L; MF, fr. L conus, fr. Gk ko-nos - more at HONE] 
   1a: a mass of ovule-bearing or pollen-bearing scales or bracts in trees of  
   the pine family or in cycads arranged usu. on a somewhat elongated axis 1b: 
   any of several flower or fruit clusters suggesting a cone  2a: a solid 
   generated by rotating a right triangle about one of its legs m called also 
   right circular cone 2b: a solid figure whose base is a circle or other 
   closed plane figure and  whose sides taper evenly up to a point 2c: any 
   surface traced by a moving straight line passing through a fixed ve rtex 3: 
   something that resembles a cone in shape : as  3a: one of the short sensory 
   end organs of the vertebrate retina usu. held  to function in color vision 
   3b: any of numerous somewhat conical tropical gastropod mollusks (family Co 
   nidae) 3c: the apex of a volcano  3d: an ice-cream holder 
2. cone vt 1: to make cone-shaped  2: to bevel like the slanting surface of 
   a cone {~ a tire}