1. pa.vil.ion \p*-'vil-y*n\ n [ME pavilon, fr. OF paveillon, fr. L
papilion-, papilio] butterfly; akin to OHG fi-faltra butterfly, Lith
petelishachek>ke flighty 1a: a large often sumptuous tent 1b: something
resembling a canopy or tent 2a: a part of a building projecting from the
rest 2b: one of several detached or semidetached units into which a
building is sometimes divided 3a: a light sometimes ornamental structure
in a garden, park, or place of r ecreation that is used for entertainment
or shelter 3b: a temporary structure erected at an exposition by an
individual exhibit or 4: the lower faceted part of a brilliant between the
girdle and the culet
2. pavilion vt : to furnish or cover with or put in a pavilion