Webster's English Dictionary

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1. park \'pa:rk\ n [ME, fr. OF parc enclosure, fr. (assumed) VL parricus] 
   1a: an enclosed piece of ground stocked with beasts of the chase and held b 
   y royal prescription or grant 1b: a tract of land often including lawns, 
   woodland, and pasture attached t o a country house and used as a game 
   preserve and for recreation 2a: a piece of ground in or near a city or town 
   kept for ornament and recre ation 2b: an area maintained in its natural 
   state as a public property  3a: a level valley between mountain ranges  3b: 
   an open space surrounded by woodland  4a: a space occupied by military 
   animals, vehicles, or materials  4b: PARKING LOT  5: an enclosed arena or 
   stadium used esp. for ball games 
2. park vt 1: to enclose in a park  2a1: to bring to a stop and keep 
   standing at the edge of a public way  2a2: to leave temporarily on a public 
   way or in a parking lot or garage  2b: to land or leave an airplane  3: to 
   set and leave temporarily  4: to assemble (as equipment or stores) in a 
   military dump or park  : to park a vehicle  - parker n