Webster's English Dictionary

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si.lent \'si--l*nt\ aj [L silent-, silens, fr. prp. of sile-re to be 
   silent; akin] to Goth anasilan to subside, L sinere to let go, lay - more 
   at SITE 1: making no utterance :  1a: MUTE, SPEECHLESS  1b: indisposed to 
   speak : TACITURN  2: free from sound or noise : STILL  3: performed or 
   borne without utterance : UNSPOKEN  4a: making no mention {history is ~ 
   about this man}  4b: not mentioned  4c: taking no active part in the 
   conduct of a business {~ partner)> 5: UNPRONOUNCED {~ b in doubt}  6: 
   lacking spoken dialogue {~ drama} SILENT implies a habit of saying no more 
   than is absolutely necessary; TACITURN suggests a temperamental 
   disinclination to talk; RETICENT implies a reluctance to speak out or at 
   length esp. about one's personal affairs; RESERVED suggests the restraining 
   influence of caution or formality checking easy familiar talk; SECRETIVE 
   implies an undue caution or reticence about ordinary matters - si.lent.ly