Cross references:
1. tact
1. poise \'po.iz\ vb [ME poisen to weigh, ponder, fr. MF pois-, stem of
peser, fr.] L pensare - more at PENSIVE 1a: BALANCE; esp : to hold or carry
equilibrium 1b: to hold supported or suspended without motion in a steady
position 2: to hold or carry (the head) in a particular way 3: to put
into readiness : BRACE 1: to become drawn up into readiness 2: HOVER
2. poise n 1: BALANCE, EQUILIBRIUM 2a1: self-possessed composure,
assurance, and dignity 2a2: TRANQUILLITY, CALM, SERENITY 2b: a particular
way of carrying oneself : BEARING, CARRIAGE