Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. compensate            
1. bal.ance \'bal-*n(t)s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL bilancia, fr. LL 
   bilanc-, bilanxX having two scalepans, fr. L bi- + lanc-, lanx plate; akin 
   to OE eln ell - more at ELL 1: an instrument for weighing; esp : a beam 
   that is supported freel y in the center and has two pans of equal weight 
   suspended from its ends 2: a means of judging or deciding  3: a 
   counterbalancing weight, force, or influence  4: a vibrating wheel 
   operating with a hairspring to regulate the movement o f a timepiece 5a: 
   stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the v 
   ertical axis 5b: equipoise between two contrasting or opposing elements  
   5c: equality between the totals of the two sides of an account  6a: an 
   aesthetically pleasing integration of elements : HARMONY  6b: the 
   juxtaposition in writing of syntactically parallel constructions co 
   ntaining similar or contrasting ideas 7: physical equilibrium  8a: weight 
   or force of one side in excess of another  8b: something left over : 
   REMAINDER  8c: an amount in excess esp. on the credit side of an account  
   9: mental and emotional steadiness  10: the point on an object at which 
   forces balance 
2. balance vt 1a1: to compute the difference between the debits and credits 
   of (an accou nt) 1a2: to pay the amount due on : SETTLE  1b: to arrange so 
   that one set of elements exactly equals another {~)R equations} 2a: 
   COUNTERBALANCE, OFFSET  2b: to equal or equalize in weight, number, or 
   proportion  3: to compare the weight of in or as if in a balance  4a: to 
   bring to a state or position of equipoise  4b: to poise in or as if in 
   balance  4c: to bring into harmony or proportion  1: to become balanced or 
   established in balance  2: to be an equal counterpoise  3: FLUCTUATE, WAVER 
    4: to move with a swaying or swinging motion