Webster's English Dictionary

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1. guide \'gi-d\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OProv guida, of Gmc origin; akin to OE 
   wi-tan t]o look after, witan to know - more at WIT 1a: one who leads or 
   directs another in his way  1b: one who exhibits and explains points of 
   interest  1c: something that provides a person with guiding information  
   1d: SIGNPOST  1e: one who directs a person in his conduct or course of life 
    2a: a contrivance for steadying or directing the motion of something  2b: 
   a ring or loop for holding the line of a fishing rod in position  2c: a 
   sheet or a card with projecting tab for labeling inserted in a card i ndex 
   to facilitate reference 3: a member of a unit upon whom the movements or 
   alignments of a military c ommand are regulated - used esp. in commands {~ 
2. guide vt 1: to act as a guide to : CONDUCT  2a: to regulate and manage : 
   DIRECT  2b: to superintend the training or instruction of  : to act or work 
   as a guide plies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties 
   and dangers; LEAD implies a going ahead to show the way and often to keep 
   those that follow under control and in order; STEER implies an ability to 
   keep to a chosen course and stresses the capacity of maneuvering correctly; 
   PILOT suggests guidance over a dangerous, intricate, or complicated course; 
   ENGINEER implies guidance by one who finds ways to avoid or overcome 
   difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan - guid.er n SYN syn