1. \'pre--me--*m\ \-me--*\ n or premiums also pre.mia [L praemium
booty, profit, reward, fr. prae- + emere to take,] pl buy - more at REDEEM
1a: a reward or recompense for a particular act 1b: a sum over and above a
regular price paid chiefly as an inducement or i ncentive 1c: a sum in
advance of or in addition to the nominal value of something 1d: something
given free or at a reduced price with the purchase of a produ ct or service
2: the consideration paid for a contract of insurance 3: a high value or a
value in excess of that normally or usu. expected : above par : unusually
valuable esp. because of demand {housing was (Xat a premium} - at a premium
2. premium aj : of exceptional quality