Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pur.chase \'p*r-ch*s\ vt [ME purchacen, fr. OF purchacier to seek to 
   obtain, fr. por-,] pur-, for, forward (modif. of L pro-) + chacier to 
   pursue, chase - more at PRO- archaic  1a: GAIN, ACQUIRE  1b: to acquire 
   (real estate) by means other than descent or inheritance  1c: to obtain by 
   paying money or its equivalent : BUY  1d: to obtain by labor, danger, or 
   sacrifice : EARN  2: to apply a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage 
   to (as something  to be moved); also : to move by a purchase 3: to 
   constitute the means for buying 
2. purchase n 1: an act or instance of purchasing  2a: something gotten by 
   any means : GAIN  2b: something obtained for a price in money  3a1: a 
   mechanical hold or advantage applied to the raising or moving of hea vy 
   bodies 3a2: an apparatus or device by which advantage is gained  3b1: an 
   advantage used in applying one's power in any effort  3b2: position or 
   means of exerting power