Cross references:
1. beautiful
1. pret.ty \'prit-e-, 'pu.rt-, 'pru.t-\ \-ish\ aj [ME praty, prety, fr. OE
prttig tricky, fr. pr<]a-e>tt trick; akin to ON prettr trick 1a:
ARTFUL, CLEVER 1b: PAT, APT 2a: pleasing by delicacy or grace 2b: having
conventionally accepted elements of beauty 2c: appearing or sounding
pleasant or nice but lacking strength, force, ma nliness, purpose, or
intensity 3a: FINE, GOOD - often used ironically chiefly Scot 3b: STOUT
4: moderately large : CONSIDERABLE - pret.ty.ish aj
2. pret.ty \.pu.rt-e-, p*rt-e- (unstressed p*rt-), .prit-e-, .pru.t-e\ av-;
before "near(ly)" often without -e- 1: in some degree : MODERATELY chiefly
dial 2: PRETTILY
3. pret.ty \'prit-e-, 'pu.rt-e-, 'pru.t-e-\ vt : to make pretty - usu. used
with up
4. pretty \like 3\ n 1: a pretty person or thing pl 2: dainty clothes;