Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. correct               
nice \'ni-s\ aj [ME, foolish, wanton, fr. OF, fr. L nescius ignorant, fr. 
   nescire n]ot to know - more at NESCIENCE obs  1a: WANTON, DISSOLUTE  1b: 
   COY, RETICENT  2a: showing fastidious or finicky tastes : REFINED  2b: 
   SCRUPULOUS  3: marked by or demanding delicate discrimination or treatment 
   {~  distinction} obs  4: TRIVIAL  5a: PLEASING, AGREEABLE {~ time ~ person} 
    5b: well-executed {~ shot}  6: most inappropriate : BAD {a ~ one to talk}  
   7a: socially acceptable : WELL-BRED {offensive to ~ people } 7b: VIRTUOUS, 
   RESPECTABLE {~ girl} SQUEAMISH: NICE implies fine discrimination in 
   perception and evaluation; DAINTY suggests a tendency to reject what does 
   not satisfy one's delicate taste or sensibility; FASTIDIOUS implies having 
   very high and often capricious ethical, artistic, or social standards; 
   FINICAL implies an affected often exasperating fastidiousness; PARTICULAR 
   implies an insistence that one's exacting standards be met; SQUEAMISH 
   suggests an oversensitive or prudish readiness to be nauseated, disgusted, 
   or offended - nice av SYN syn DAINTY, FASTIDIOUS, FINICAL, PARTICULAR,