Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. unruly                
1. re.frac.to.ry \ri-'frak-t(*-)re-\ aj [alter. of refractary, fr. L 
   refractarius, irreg. fr. refragari)X to oppose, fr. re- + -fragari (as in 
   suffragari to support with one's vote) - more at SUFFRAGE 1: resisting 
   control or authority : STUBBORN  2a: resistant to treatment or cure  2b: 
   unresponsive to stimulus  2c: IMMUNE, INSUSCEPTIBLE  3: difficult to fuse, 
   corrode, or draw out; esp : capable of endur ing high temperature
2. refractory n : a refractory person or thing; esp : a heat-resisting 
   nonmetallic  ceramic material